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Часто задаваемые вопросы о лечении в Турции

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Med Guarantee получила лицензии от турецких правительственных ведомств как центр, работающий в сфере медицинского туризма.

Мы представляем собой группу медицинских центров высочайшего уровня развития и оснащения, в состав которых входят специализированные медицинские бригады из всех медицинских и косметических отраслей, охватывающие все виды хирургических и нехирургических косметических операций.

Наша цель — предоставить вам превосходный уход и удовлетворить ваши желания, обеспечив наилучшие эстетические результаты, а самое главное — завоевать ваше полное доверие, поскольку надежность — наш главный девиз.

No, there is no specific age, as dental implants can be performed at all ages up to the advanced age, unless there are special conditions such as bone diseases and others, which are contraindications for the surgical implantation.

Dentists follow the following steps for dental implants:
  • Consultation, check up and necessary examinations.
  • A surgical incision to open the gums and expose the bones.
  • Deep holes in the bone, where the dental implant will be inserted.
  • Place the abutment.
  • Take the final impression.
  • Fix the crown.

Med Guarantee Center, with its team of doctors and specialized supervisors, has developed a binding medical policy for our work and respects the honor of the profession.

It is based on 3 main axes,

The first axis: Continuing communication with the client to provide support, as a periodic medical review, since the end of the operation, as if you are in direct and rapid contact with your doctor for more than a year according to your need.

The second axis: Each client is granted a lifetime warranty certificate,

The third axis: Our medical staff is committed to performing any corrective operation in the event of a medical error in the basic operation, without additional cost, within six months to a year from the date of its performance.

It is not recommended to go to the sea within a month and a half from the date of the operation. You can dye your hair after 4 months.

  • The recovery phase after the operation takes from one week to ten days.
  • The transplanted hair begins to fall out in the period between 3 weeks to a month.
  • Hair grows back in between 3 months to 5 months, and lasts for life.
  • The final result appears between 9 months and a year.
  • Do you have an experience related to hair transplantation that you would like to share with us?
  • Anesthesia stage.
  • Extraction of follicles.
  • Separation of follicles or slices.
  • The stage of follicle transplantation.

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